Les requêtes sur PubMedN1 ou autres portails de biomédecine font apparaître des articles traitant de la chronobiologieN2 de la nutrition. Il est intéressant de constater que les mots-clés « chrononutrition » et « chrono nutrition » ne retournent que des publications postérieures à 2012.
✓ Bibliographie
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- zyxg · Almoosawi S, Vingeliene S, Karagounis LG, Pot GK (2016). Chrono-nutrition : a review of current evidence from observational studies on global trends in time-of-day of energy intake and its association with obesity.
- sb7f · Aparecida Crispim C, Carliana Mota M (2018). New perspectives on chrononutrition.
- bvwv · Asher G, Sassone-Corsi P (2015). Time for food : the intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock.
- kzvb · Bo S, Fadda M, Castiglione A, Ciccone G, De Francesco A, Fedele D, Guggino A, Parasiliti Caprino M, Ferrara S, Vezio Boggio M, Mengozzi G, Ghigo E, Maccario M, Broglio F (2015). Is the timing of caloric intake associated with variation in diet-induced thermogenesis and in the metabolic pattern ? A randomized cross-over study.
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- vvf6 · Damou, El Mokhtar (2015). La Chrono-nutrition : conséquences sur la qualité de vie en cas de surpoids ou d’obésité. Thèse d’exercice de médecine, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, soutenue le 17/09/2015.
- jm7c · Flanagan A, Bechtold DA, Pot GK, Johnston JD (2020). Chrono-nutrition : From molecular and neuronal mechanisms to human epidemiology and timed feeding patterns.
- 2o04 · Garrido M, Terrón MP, Rodríguez AB (2013). Chrononutrition against oxidative stress in aging.
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- tqrx · Johnston JD (2014). Physiological links between circadian rhythms, metabolism and nutrition.
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- zgq9 · Kant AK, Graubard BI. (2015). Within-person comparison of eating behaviors, time of eating, and dietary intake on days with and without breakfast : NHANES 2005–2010.
- 4iir · Kobayashi F, Ogata H, Omi N, Nagasaka S, Yamaguchi S, Hibi M, Tokuyama K (2014). Effect of breakfast skipping on diurnal variation of energy metabolism and blood glucose.
- aa7k · Laermans J, Depoortere I. (2015). Chronobesity : role of the circadian system in the obesity epidemic.
- cqqh · LeSauter J, Hoque N, Weintraub M, Pfaff DW, Silver R (2009). Stomach ghrelin-secreting cells as food-entrainable circadian clocks.
- hng1 · Lennon D (2019). Chrononutrition : Why Meal Timing, Calorie Distribution & Feeding Windows Really Do Matter. Site Stronger by Science.
- xs2w · Loin L (2014). Diététique et nutrition à l’officine : aide au contrôle du poids chez le patient pathologique ou non. Thèse de doctorat en Sciences pharmaceutiques. Université de Rouen.
- jg0q · Oda H (2015). Chrononutrition.
- umt2 · Oike H (2017) Modulation of circadian clocks by nutrients and food factors.
- pgk5 · Oike H, Oishi K, Kobori M (2014). Nutrients, Clock Genes, and Chrononutrition.
- 2t0n · Pijl H, Ohashi S, Matsuda M, Miyazaki Y, Mahankali A, Kumar V, Pipek R, Iozzo P, Lancaster JL, Cincotta AH, DeFronzo RA (2000). Bromocriptine : a novel approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
- kj05 · Pot GK, Almoosawi S, Stephen AM. (2016). Meal irregularity and cardiometabolic consequences : results from observational and intervention studies.
- 8uor · Potter GD, Cade JE, Grant PJ, Hardie LJ (2016). Nutrition and the circadian system.
- mwx0 · Queiroz JdN, Cauduro R, Macedo O, Tinsley GM, Reischak-Oliveira A (2020). Time-restricted eating and circadian rhythms : the biological clock is ticking.
- ge19 · Rijo-Ferreira F, Takahashi JS (2019). Genomics of circadian rhythms in health and disease.
- eqr6 · Sato M, Nakamura K, Ogata H, Miyashita A, Nagasaka S, Omi N, Yamaguchi S, Hibi M, Umeda T, Nakaji S, Tokuyama K (2011). Acute effect of late evening meal on diurnal variation of blood glucose and energy metabolism.
- kl4j · Shibata S, Sasaki H, Ikeda Y (2013). Chrono-nutrition and chrono-exercise. (En japonais)
- cewk · Tahara Y, Shibata S (2013). Chronobiology and nutrition.
- cuyc · Tahara Y, Shibata S (2014). Chrono-biology, chrono-pharmacology, and chrono-nutrition.
- 3eqm · Tahara Y, Shibata S (2016). Circadian rhythms of liver physiology and disease : experimental and clinical evidence.
- g565 · Tanaka Y (2013). Diabetes mellitus related common medical disorders : recent progress in diagnosis and treatment. Topics : II. Recent medical topics ; 2. Optimal diet therapy for diabetes based on chrononutrition science. (En japonais)
- m4py · Veronda AC, Allison KC, Crosby RD, Irish LA (2020) Development, validation and reliability of the Chrononutrition Profile – Questionnaire.
- bsoj · Watanabe Y, Saito I, Henmi I, Yoshimura K, Maruyama K, Yamauchi K, Matsuo T, Kato T, Tanigawa T, Kishida T, Asada Y (2015). Skipping Breakfast is Correlated with Obesity.
- kect · Yoshizaki T, Tada Y, Hida A, Sunami A, Yokoyama Y, Togo F, Kawano Y (2013). Influence of dietary behavior on the circadian rhythm of the autonomic nervous system as assessed by heart rate variability.
▷ Liens
- N1 · 6qnk · PubMed – National Center for Biotechnology Information
- N2 · ipkt · Chronobiologie – Wikipedia
Article créé le 15/01/2016 - modifié le 29/04/2023 à 12h55
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